Small Acts, Big Impact

Total Raised since 2021


Explore the interactive world map for our global donations: Hover over the flags to see the amounts raised by each country and click on your country's flag to contribute. Every small act counts!

Funds raised in 2024

$92,364 USD

Our goal

$100,000 USD

Find your team

    • Jumanah just donated $5.30
    • Anonymous just donated $25.65
    • Robert just donated $4,955.11
    • Robert just donated $1,066.52
    • Robert just donated $802.53
    • Robert just donated $114.28
    • Robert just donated $566.89
    • Robert just donated $2,634.34
    • Miles, Alex und Stephan just donated $265.48
    • La Mannschaft NRWay just donated $745.81
    • Anonymous just donated $921.37
    • Johanna fructuoso just donated $33.80
    • charlotte beattie just donated $32.54
    • Robert just donated $42.33
    • Robert just donated $17.82
    • Robert just donated $364.97
    • Robert just donated $1,382.84
    • Violet Chi just donated $107.83
    • Marissa Stermer just donated $28.28
    • Adam Al-Badry just donated $36.90

    Robert Half & Make-A-Wish 2024

    Robert Half & Make-A-Wish 2024: Become WishMakers!

    Get ready to make a difference! We're thrilled to announce our collaboration for the fourth year in a row. This year, we're extending the impact from May to December, giving you even more opportunities to bring hope and joy to children with critical illnesses.

    Here's how you can join the movement:

    Raise funds: Help us reach even greater heights for Make-A-Wish! Let's grant more wishes together! Volunteer your time: Every hour you dedicate to Make-A-Wish will be matched by a $15 USD donation from Robert Half!

    Together, let's make wishes come true for children around the world!

    Make-A-Wish traces its inspiration to Christopher James Greicius, a 7-year-old boy battling leukemia who wished to be a police officer. In 1980, the Phoenix community came together to make his wish come true. Little did Chris know that his wish would create a movement that would transform millions of lives.

    Today, Make-A-Wish has been granting life-changing wishes for children and their families for 44 years and now helps to serve children in 50 countries on 6 continents through its 40 Affiliates. Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight their illness.

    With the help of their donors and more than 27,000 volunteers around the world, Make-A-Wish has collectively granted more than 585,000 wishes worldwide.

    By joining us for this event and raising funds for Make-A-Wish International, you can help Make-A-Wish create more life-changing wishes for children, and continue to march towards their vision to grant the wish of every eligible child in the world.

    "I wish to go to an island by boat"

    Morris, 6, Netherlands, leukemia

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    "I wish to go to the beach and feel the sand"

    Javier, 8, Chile, thyroid cancer

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    "I wish to be a pianist"

    Ikbal, 14, UAE, kidney failure

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